the legacy of Ancient Rome

The ancient Rome civilization left behind a legacy that will forever last. Their legacy of inventions have impacted our modern day culture and lifestyle in a significant way. Without the inventions of the pulley, the aqueduct or the concrete brick the large cities with big buildings and roadways that we drive on in today’s world would not be as big as they are. Without the legacy the Romans left for us we would have a very difficult time living our lives. The three inventions of the pulley, the aqueduct and the concrete brick were three major creations that helped positively impact our generation and the future generations to come, here’s why.

First is the pulley, invented in ancient Rome by Archimedes. The pulley is an artifact that represents ancient Rome’s legacy because it is a critical part of the crane used in today’s world. “The crane was important because it let the romans move large pieces of stone to large buildings.” Examples of this are they would be used to build colosseums and aqueducts which you will read more about later. The pulley is a significant artifact because it changed the way a civilization would be developed. “A crane was made of wood and an advanced system of pulleys.” This would help the civilization build large buildings and move heavy materials, this helped the civilization grow bigger and stronger. The pulley had a huge impact on the romans because without the pulley most of all the famous buildings would not have been built. The legacy of the pulleys still has meaning to this day as it is used to build and help grow our cities. As you have read the invention of the pulleys left a great legacy thanks to the romans for improving it and making it useful for many different uses. Next is the aqueduct, another great artifact of the legacy Ancient Rome left behind. Aqueducts are big water bridges that are used to transport large amounts of water inside the city from the outside. They were built of concrete brick which you will read about later. The aqueduct was significant to the romans as it helped save lots of money and time. “They would take water from the mountains and have it flow through the aqueducts and into the city. The aqueducts let the romans have running water and started the public washrooms and bath houses.” The aqueduct left a positive impact and change on the way we live today as water from the mountain sources that flow through aqueducts are used for drinking, cleaning, and making food. The aqueducts left a great and significant impact on people living in small areas in the past and present because it would have large amounts of water coming into the city to grow bigger. As you have read you can clearly seethe aqueducts have left a significant impact on the way people live today, the water that flows to our washrooms, bathtubs, sinks, and showers is thanks to the aqueducts first built by the ancient Rome civilization, this will forever be one of the greatest aspects of the legacy the civilization left behind.  Finally concrete was made. The most significant and maybe most important artifact of the legacy left behind is the concrete brick. “Concrete bricks were made up of a mix of lime, sand and volcanic ash. After that mixture was made they were then soaked in salt water overnight. This creation ended up up making the concrete used today for many different purposes. Concrete was historically significant to the roman civilization because “it was used in every roman city across the mediterranean thanks to its strong for and hold to build structures and buildings. proof of this is the famous roman arch would not be as strong as it is today without the concrete used to make it. Concrete was significant because it helped develop the civilization and make it more powerful. The ancient Rome concrete left a positive change for all the next generations as it left us with great ways to build houses, buildings and much more places that are seen in our cities and civilizations that we live in today. So now you know why the ancient Rome legacy will forever last. Thanks to the inventions of the pulley, the aqueduct and concrete our generation has been impacted positively and will still positively impact the future generations to come thanks to the ancient Rome civilization. Here are some photos of the artifacts that represent the legacy of ancient Rome.

Image result for pulley ancient rome
Image result for ancient rome aqueducts


1-4: Bunce, Christer. “the legacy left behind from the romans.” (accessed September 28, 2019)

Photo 1: roman wooden pulley. Medium. 620 x 346

Photo 2: roman aqueducts/national geographic society. Medium. 646 x 431

Photo 3: ancient roman concrete stars the test of time. Medium. 460 x 360

self evaluation

My name is Crassus, one of the richest men in Rome. The invention of air conditioning is one of the greatest technology inventions ever invented. A great man named Willis Carrier invented air conditioning audit changed the way life is lived for me. I could use his invention to help keep cool. His invention had water from aqueducts circulated through walls to cool houses In ancient Rome. In 1911, the first large-scale electrical air conditionerwas invented by Willis Carrier. My reaction to this historic invention was very thankful as it helped keep housing cool and fresh. However only the wealthy could afford this invention so I was very fortunate.

The decline of the Ancient Rome civilization

The ancient Rome civilization will forever be known as one of the greatest civilizations to ever stand. However it took a great fall during its time. Invasion by barbarian tribes, economic troubles and over reliance on slave labor , and over expansion and military overspending are three significant reasons/artifacts for the decline of the civilization, here is why the civilization declined. My first artifact is the invasion by barbarian groups. The invasion by barbarian groups such as the goths and the vandals had a significant impact on the decline of the roman civilization. The ancient Rome military lost a string of battles against outside forces. One of the tribes that invaded ancient Rome was the goths. “the goths are one of the most powerful organization groups of barbarians. The goths and the ancient Rome civilization established a peace treaty in 442 AD but was broken in 455 when the goths invaded and attacked the roman civilization.” “The goths had encroached the roman empire and successfully sacked the city of Rome. The Rome civilization spent the next several decades under constant threat before it was raided again by the vandals barbarian group. After the raid from the vandals, the roman empire would never rule again from a post in Italy.” this artifact has changed the way the Roman vocalization lives. They are no longer a strong ruling civilization that has lots of power. The defeat from the goths and vandals lead to the loss of population which leads great change. These changes occurred quickly after the invasion from the tribes. These changes had a bring turning point in ancient Rome’s history because they would never rule again. The next artifact that lead to the decline of the civilization is economic troubles and over reliance on slave labor. The roman civilization was crumbling from the inside thanks to severe financial crisis’ the gap between rich and poor had widened due to constant wars and overspending. “the empire was rocked by a labor deficit. Rome’s economy depended on slaves to till its fields and work as craftsmen. When expansion ground to halt the second century Rome’s supply of slaves and other treasures began to dry up. A big blow came in the fifth century when the vandals got involved and began disrupting the empires trade. With the economy faltering and its commercial and agricultural production in decline, the empire began to lose it’s grip on Europe as a civilization.” This caused the civilization to change due to the fact to many slaves were being relied on, slaves were being lost. These changes are negative as the slaves helped keep the civilization strong in different ways. The changes occurred overtime as slaves slowly started drying up. Over expansion and military overspending is my next artifact that lead to the decline of ancient Rome’s civilization. Ancient Rome’s civilization stretched from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the Euphrates river. Its grandeur may have been one of its greatest reasons of why the civilization declined. “With such a vast territory to govern, the empire faced an administrative and logistical nightmare. Even with their excellent road systems, the Romans were unable to communicate quickly or effectively enough to manage their holdings. Rome struggles to get enough troops and resources to defend its frontiers from local rebellions and outside attacks.” By the time the second century came around the Roman civilization emperor leader Hadrian was forced to build his famous wall in Britain to keep the enemy at bay, As more and more funds were funnelled into the military upkeep of his empire. Technological advancement slowed Rome’s civilization due to it’s lack of support and over expansion of military spending. It lead to lots of barbarian groups space to invade ad attack. These changes occurred slowly as it took time for tribes to plan attacks. These changes marked huge turning points as the civilization lost great power and tools to to invasion because of over expansion. There are many more reasons to the decline of the ancient Rome civilization however these are three of the main and most important reasons. So now you know why and how the ancient Rome civilization declined, below this blog there will be three photos to help describe each artifact. The photos will be in order of each artifact you read about.

Image result for over reliance on slave labour rome


  1. “ancient Rome//the fall of Rome,” the fall of Rome, accessed September 15, 2019,
  2. Andrews, Evan. “8 reasons why Rome fell.” (accessed on September 15, 2019)
  3. Andrews, Evan. “8 reasons why Rome fell.” (accessed on September 15, 2019)
  4. Andrews, Evan “8 reasons why Rome fell.” (accessed on September 15, 2019)
  5. Invasions of the roman empire. Medium. 1954 x 1356,
  6. Ancient Rome empire. Medium. 263 x 192,
  7. Roman Empire starts to fall. Medium. 640 x 480

decree to my civilization

Dear citizens of ancient Rome, I Augustas am here today to talk about how life will grow for us in our civilization of ancient Rome. I will be addressing three of the major ways life will be for us as a civilization. Law and politics, education, and religion. I shall start with the law and politics that our civilization follows. “Since many of our laws are unwritten or unavailable for people to see, there will be certain laws written and carved into stone tables for our citizens to see. New laws will be written on the tables also. This law will be known as the law of the twelve tables and must be followed.” punishments must also be addressed today. “There will be different levels of punishment for our citizens. If you are a wealthy citizen you will receive less of a consequence then the poor. Punishments include beatings, lashings, exile from Rome, fines or even death.”  Women of our civilization will have limited rights. “Women will have no right to vote or hold public office.” However women may own property or a business. The next section I will like to focus on is education. Who will be educated you may wonder? “The children of the rich will have formal education, the parents will pay a private tutor to teach their children. The people who cant afford this will send their children to standard schools. The children of the poor living in the country or who have slave parents will not be educated at all.” the classrooms will work in a standard form and be taught the same by one teacher per classroom. Teachers of the class will have low pay.  “children will learn to read and write as these are important skills as words are everywhere. If a student answers wrong they will be beaten with a cane, if a student speaks without permission they will be dragged to the front of the class and beaten with a cane or whip.” Boys and girls will receive different teachings. “Boys will receive honorabillity and physical training for preparation to join our army. Women will receive the same  school learning but both genders will only be taught addition and subtraction as more difficult math systems are difficult to be taught in our roman system.” The final focus of this decree I have for you is for our religion. “We are to believe and worship Mars, Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Romulus and Remus. These are our gods.” cites have adopted their own patron deities and preform their own rituals. “Worshiping will be held at temples that are built throughout our roman empire. However these temples are the home of our gods so worshipping will be held outside.” Thank you for listening to this decree, remember our ways of living. You are dismissed.


Footnotes 1,2 & 3: “ancient Rome//Roman law,” Roman laws, accessed September 7, 2019,

Footnotes 4,5, & 6:  “Rank Scott, “the romans education,” 

Footnotes 7 & 8:  Wasson, Donald L. “Roman religion.” Ancient history encyclopedia. Last modified November 13, 2013.

Ancient Rome beliefs and practices

The ancient Rome civilization practiced polytheism, the worship of many gods. The main gods that the civilizations religion believed in were, Jupiter, Juno, and Minevra. The romans believed the gods controlled their lives so they would spend lots of time each day worshipping them. The Romans had lots of spiritual practices. They had lots of feast of worshipping gods and goddesses. They also had offerings of food and wine and they Ould have animal sacrifices.  Worshipping would happen in temples where the sacrifices were made. Blood sacrifices were believed to be the best way to communicate with the gods, that’s why sheep were often sacrificed to Jupiter. Most of the temples that the civilization used to practice worshipping to the gods were built for all the gods, these temples were called a pantheon. However some temples were built for only one of the gods. The Romans also worshiped spirits, rivers, tress, and fields.  The Rome religion had an issue with other religions at one point in life. Roman leaders banned certain religions because a Roman leader believed it was a political issue. Romans would be insulted by other religions that only believed in one god, they took it as a insult. A belief the Romans had taken later on was to add gods from the greek religion. 

the expansion of the Ancient Rome civilization

the ancient Rome civilization will forever go down as one of the quickest civilizations to expand, heres why. The Romans had war in 264 BC, the victory against the Carthaginians gave the Rome civilization all the chance they needed to expand their empire. The more wealth and power the romans got, the more they were able to expand their empire further and further. Roman soldiers were motivated to expand the civilization for their own benefits, battle other empires for power. Rome’s civilization had soldiers that would earn great prestige when they fought for power and they would earn land and a share of the spoils of the war. The ancient Rome civilization wouldn’t settle for land only near them. They realized land away from them would make them more powerful and wealthier. Land away from the civilization also had riches that could give more wealth. Rome conquered lots of land to keep expanding the civilization. Ancient Rome will always be one of the civilizations that expanded greatly for wealth and power and would not settle for anything less.

Image result for ancient rome civilization


Truman, Chris. “The Roman Empire.” (accessed August 30, 2019.)

Turnbull, Percvial. “Roman Empire.” (accessed august 30, 2019.)


archaeology is something that has gained more interest from me. I find it very interesting how archaeologist study the history of the past to make conclusions. if I could study one ancient civilization as a archaeologist I would study Ancient Rome, since the roman history is a very interesting interesting artifact that archaeologist found about Ancient Rome is that they were lead to believe that the civilization was much bigger then what we are all lead to think. they say this information could be true leading back to the six century BC.

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