the legacy of Ancient Rome

The ancient Rome civilization left behind a legacy that will forever last. Their legacy of inventions have impacted our modern day culture and lifestyle in a significant way. Without the inventions of the pulley, the aqueduct or the concrete brick the large cities with big buildings and roadways that we drive on in today’s world would not be as big as they are. Without the legacy the Romans left for us we would have a very difficult time living our lives. The three inventions of the pulley, the aqueduct and the concrete brick were three major creations that helped positively impact our generation and the future generations to come, here’s why.

First is the pulley, invented in ancient Rome by Archimedes. The pulley is an artifact that represents ancient Rome’s legacy because it is a critical part of the crane used in today’s world. “The crane was important because it let the romans move large pieces of stone to large buildings.” Examples of this are they would be used to build colosseums and aqueducts which you will read more about later. The pulley is a significant artifact because it changed the way a civilization would be developed. “A crane was made of wood and an advanced system of pulleys.” This would help the civilization build large buildings and move heavy materials, this helped the civilization grow bigger and stronger. The pulley had a huge impact on the romans because without the pulley most of all the famous buildings would not have been built. The legacy of the pulleys still has meaning to this day as it is used to build and help grow our cities. As you have read the invention of the pulleys left a great legacy thanks to the romans for improving it and making it useful for many different uses. Next is the aqueduct, another great artifact of the legacy Ancient Rome left behind. Aqueducts are big water bridges that are used to transport large amounts of water inside the city from the outside. They were built of concrete brick which you will read about later. The aqueduct was significant to the romans as it helped save lots of money and time. “They would take water from the mountains and have it flow through the aqueducts and into the city. The aqueducts let the romans have running water and started the public washrooms and bath houses.” The aqueduct left a positive impact and change on the way we live today as water from the mountain sources that flow through aqueducts are used for drinking, cleaning, and making food. The aqueducts left a great and significant impact on people living in small areas in the past and present because it would have large amounts of water coming into the city to grow bigger. As you have read you can clearly seethe aqueducts have left a significant impact on the way people live today, the water that flows to our washrooms, bathtubs, sinks, and showers is thanks to the aqueducts first built by the ancient Rome civilization, this will forever be one of the greatest aspects of the legacy the civilization left behind.  Finally concrete was made. The most significant and maybe most important artifact of the legacy left behind is the concrete brick. “Concrete bricks were made up of a mix of lime, sand and volcanic ash. After that mixture was made they were then soaked in salt water overnight. This creation ended up up making the concrete used today for many different purposes. Concrete was historically significant to the roman civilization because “it was used in every roman city across the mediterranean thanks to its strong for and hold to build structures and buildings. proof of this is the famous roman arch would not be as strong as it is today without the concrete used to make it. Concrete was significant because it helped develop the civilization and make it more powerful. The ancient Rome concrete left a positive change for all the next generations as it left us with great ways to build houses, buildings and much more places that are seen in our cities and civilizations that we live in today. So now you know why the ancient Rome legacy will forever last. Thanks to the inventions of the pulley, the aqueduct and concrete our generation has been impacted positively and will still positively impact the future generations to come thanks to the ancient Rome civilization. Here are some photos of the artifacts that represent the legacy of ancient Rome.

Image result for pulley ancient rome
Image result for ancient rome aqueducts


1-4: Bunce, Christer. “the legacy left behind from the romans.” (accessed September 28, 2019)

Photo 1: roman wooden pulley. Medium. 620 x 346

Photo 2: roman aqueducts/national geographic society. Medium. 646 x 431

Photo 3: ancient roman concrete stars the test of time. Medium. 460 x 360

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